Champagne Mercier special wagons

  • Champagne Mercier

    Mercier is a Champagne producer based in the Épernay region of Champagne. The house, founded in 1858 by Eugène Mercier (who died in 1904), produces both vintage and non-vintage cuvée, which is stored in 18km long cellar tunnels located 30m underground. Parts of the cellar are open to the public, where visitors can use rail carts to navigate the tunnels.

  • Collection released Jan 2022

    In 1905 company Champagne Mercier (Épernay region of Champagne) got two specialised wagons to carry their products. Wagons were registered in Épernay-Luxembourg, (Elsass-Lothringen) with board numbers 90311 and 90312, which later changed and became 600391 and 600392. Though the rest writing on the wagons remained the same.

Special thanks to people from for collecting these photographs and making them public.